Welcome to My Blog.

Let’s consider the topic of ‘Respect’. 

Let’s consider the topic of ‘Focus’. 

Let’s consider the topic of ‘Focus’. 

What You Focus On Is What You See …On my weekly radio segment  ‘Love and Bugs’, on ABC Darwin’s Evening with Dinushi Dias, we  spoke about life being busy and the power of pausing, changing  our focus and the importance of being ‘kind’ to ourselves.  Below are a few more thoughts.  In the classic “Invisible […]

Let’s consider the topic of Resilience. 

Let’s consider the topic of Resilience. 

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I  fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela  This quote is a great reminder as we all take the journey to  become more resilient.  This topic is a little longer as this is a big subject, so well worth […]

Hurry Sickness

Hurry Sickness

Are you showing the symptoms of ‘Hurry Sickness’…? I have been thinking all morning on how to add value to you in this month’s newsletter, when I stepped outside to peg cloths on the line. Yes I still do this, no clothes dryer for me), when I noticed our neighbours dog Ruby, she was  laying […]



Hello to my many readers and to the readers that have recently joined.  I have been absent for a little while busy working on my second book which is now sitting with the publisher.  More on this soon ☺ This week I was back on Vision Radio with the topic of emotions which is such […]

Defiant Joy

Defiant Joy

Welcome to 2022. My last newsletter for 2021 was on hope, and as we start out in 2022 it’s heavy on my heart to share on JOY. What is joy? Joy is an inner feeling. Happiness is an outward expression. Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. A person pursues happiness but chooses […]

Hope for the Future!

Hope for the Future!

Happy December Everyone! Over the last week in my regular radio spot and an invitation to speak to a group, the same topic was requested “Finding Hope for the Future”. There is such a need find hope when life has been challenging. As we close out 2021 and look to the future of 2022 here […]